High Fire Danger Rating and Open Burning Ban with New Restrictions
July 25 2024
Please note that Sasamat Fire Department has advised the High fire danger rating and open burning ban remains in effect but with further restrictions that begin at 5 a.m. July 26, 2024. The current ban applies to all open fires, including campfires and outdoor wood burning appliance fires within the Village of Anmore. No open fires are permitted, even if you have previously received a campfire permit.
The following additional ORDER will be in place effective Friday July 26th, 2024 at 05:00 am:
Cease all high risk activities between 1:00 p.m. and sunset each day. Maintain a two hour fire watch after work has finished. Exceptions can be made with an approved Fire Safety Plan in place.
Restrictions on High Risk Activities (Machinery & Commercial Operations) High-risk activities include but are not limited to any of the following activities carried out in a wooded area or near a wooded area:
• operating a power saw, electric or gas;
• mechanical tree felling, woody debris piling or tree processing, including delimbing;
• welding;
• portable wood chipping, milling, processing or manufacturing;
• skidding logs
• Use of heavy machinery
Other high-risk activities listed include: mechanical brushing, disk trenching, use of explosives, using spark or fire producing tools, fireworks, grinding. mechanical land clearing and maintaining right of ways (including grass mowing) or any other activity the has the potential to cause excessive heat or sparks.
Thank you for helping to prevent wildfires in our community.
Click HERE to view the Official Notice.