Garbage & Recycling
Garbage and recycling services in Anmore are split between the Village of Anmore and Recycle BC.
The Village is responsible for managing garbage and organic waste collection, which is funded by utility fees. Meanwhile, Recycle BC handles residential recycling for packaging and paper products. To make waste collection more convenient for residents, both Recycle BC and the Village have contracted GFL Environmental to provide coordinated collection services on the same day.
Each year, a collection calendar is created that specifies collection days: recycling and organics are picked up every Friday, while garbage is collected every other Friday, starting at 7 a.m. (Please note that this schedule may change due to holidays). During collection, the priority is to collect the Organics Carts, typically beginning in the northern neighborhoods of Anmore, such as Crystal Creek and Countryside, to minimize interference from wildlife.
Each property can purchase just one 120L or 240L garbage collection cart and one 120L or 240L organics/yard waste collection cart. Properties with secondary suites can order 2 of each. To order a cart, please email what type of cart and size you’d like to or visit the Community Hub to make an order. For costs of carts, please review Schedule A of our Solid Waste Management Bylaw.
Help Reduce Wildlife Attractants
We all share a responsibility to reduce wildlife attractants by adhering to bylaw requirements and implementing other tips.
Garbage and Recycling Bylaw Requirements
Additional Tips
to Reduce Bear Attractants
Tips for Sorting Waste Correctly
Please note that waste collection is always subject to change and may not be reflected on our page. For the most up-to-date information, please refer to Recycle BC’s Waste Wizard and Metro Vancouver’s Recycle Resource.

Containers, Paper & Glass Recycling
Recycling is sorted into three streams: Blue Box (or grey box if you had yours replaced) for mixed containers, Yellow Bags for paper products and a Light Blue Bin for glass bottles/jars. Recycling is picked up every Friday along with organics waste (garbage is collected bi-weekly).
Recycling service is provided by Recycle BC and their service provider, GFL. For recycling bins or bags, please contact GFL at 604-529-4030. For more information on recycling services, please visit