Coach House Requirements

A number of factors may impact the viability and the size of a coach house that is permitted on your property.

There are a number of factors that may impact the viability and the size of a coach house that is permitted on a property. A thorough review of the Anmore Zoning Bylaw will allow for a better understanding of the overall requirements. This brochure is a guide only.

Particular attention should be made to some of the definitions contained in Part 2 of the bylaw as follows:

Means a building or structure located on a parcel, the use of which is incidental and ancillary to the principal permitted use of the land, buildings or structures located on the same parcel

Means a separate dwelling unit which is completely contained within an accessory building containing bathroom, sleeping and living areas, and cooking facilities and areas, is of a size that is clearly incidental to the size of the principal dwelling unit, and shall comply with the requirements of section 6.3 of this Bylaw.

Floor Area or Gross Floor Area (GFA) means the total of the gross horizontal area of each floor of a building as measured from the outermost perimeter wall of the building and, for principal buildings, includes below grade floor area. The area of a garage will be included in the calculation of floor area, except:
a) for up to 90 m2 of garage located within principal building; or
b) for up to 90 m of garage located within an accessory building that does not contain a coach house.

Means any lot, block, or other area in which land is held or into which it is subdivided, but does not include a highway.

Means the total horizontal area at grade of all buildings or parts thereof, as measured from the outermost perimeter of all buildings on the parcel, and expressed as a percentage of the total area of the parcel.

“Means the building or structure for the principal use of the parcel as listed under the permitted uses of the applicable zone”


  • Confirm the zoning of your property as it is noted that coach houses are not permitted in all CD and RCH zones.
  • Confirm the area of the lot as coach houses are not permitted on lots that are less than 2,024 m².
  • Confirm the floor area of the principal building including attached/enclosed garages.
  • Confirm the floor area of all other accessory structures on the lot as this may reduce the allowable floor area permitted for the coach house.
  • Confirm parcel coverage of all buildings.

Zoning Bylaw  – General Requirements

Always consult the Zoning Bylaw for precise wording, as recent and upcoming amendments may differ from what is currently listed here. The Zoning Bylaw will provide the most current information.

  • Coach houses can be 1 or 2 storey accessory structures and the siting requirements (setbacks) are specified in Part 9 of Anmore Zoning Bylaw depending on the particular zoning.

  • A coach house may be a stand-alone entity or may be in combination with an accessory use serving the principal building (e.g. workshop or other).

  • A coach house requires 2 additional dedicated parking spaces.

  • It is noted that covered open areas such as carports which may be attached to a coach house are excluded from the calculation of floor area.

  • Floor area calculations to include enclosed parking in an accessory structure containing a coach house is not exempted as per the definition of floor area.

  • Section 6.3.3. of the Zoning Bylaw restricts the maximum size of a coach house to 100 m² for lots less than 4,047 m² and to 130 m² for lots equal to or in excess of 4,047 m².

Zoning Bylaw – Zone Specific Requirements RS-1

  • In an RS-1 zone the maximum gross floor area (GFA) of all accessory structures (2 max) is restricted to a maximum of 25% of the principal building (to include any enclosed and attached parking) up to a maximum of 120 m² which may be increased to 150 m² where the accessory structure contains a coach house.

  • The maximum parcel coverage for all buildings shall be 20% of the parcel.

  • A coach house in combination with a secondary suite in the principal is permitted in RS-1 zones on lots equal to or exceeding 4,047 m² so long as the total area of the suite and the coach house does not exceed 180 m².

Examples RS-1

  • A 300 m² principal building on a lot which is less than 4,047 m² permits an accessory structure containing a coach house of 100 m² and where the lot meets or exceed 4,047 m² this limit may be increased to 105 m²

  • A 400 m² principal building on a lot which is less than 4,047 m² permits an accessory structure containing a coach house of 100 m² and where the lot meets or exceed 4,047 m² this limit may be increased to 130 m².

  • A 500 m² principal building on a lot which is less than 4,047 m² permits an accessory structure containing a coach house of 100 m² and where the lot meets or exceeds 4,047 m² permits an accessory structure limit with a coach house of 130 m² plus an additional 20 m² for parking.