Applications & Bylaws

There are several types of applications and bylaws that apply depending on the type of planning or development being proposed. A summary of the most frequently required applications and bylaws are listed below. This information is provided for convenience only. It is up to property owners to ensure they are submitting all required applications and forms, and adhering to all policies and bylaws.

Planning Applications

Our Planning Department related documents are listed below. Simply click on the document you wish to open.  The PDF application forms can be filled in online – ensure you save the form to your desktop first so that

Development Variance Permit Application 

Subdivision Application

Rezoning Application (including infill)

* These forms can be filled in and submitted online. Alternatively, you may visit the Village Hall if you’d like to fill in or drop off an application in-person.

Bylaws and Polices for Community Planning

Official Community Plan Bylaw – Consolidated – is a bylaw to regulate the zoning and development of real property within the municipality. 

Development Procedures Bylaw – This bylaw outlines procedures for processing development applications in the Village.

Bylaws are listed in alphabetical order and can be viewed  HERE.