Infill Development
Infill development is the creation of new parcels within the existing developed area of the Village of Anmore that are serviced by existing infrastructure. The Village supports infill development and subsequent creation of a new residences that maintain the existing semi-rural nature of Anmore.
The Planning Department is responsible for managing land use and the associated regulation that governs land use. The Department also considers long term policy issues that are shaped by land use and growth, such as affordable housing, preservation of green space and transportation. The Official Community Plan (OCP) is the long term vision for how the Village will develop and accommodate future growth.
As outlined in our Infill OCP Amendment policy, the intent of infill development is that it will enhance and not take away from the look and feel of the neighbourhood – it is expected that any new infill homes will blend into the existing neighbourhood, minimize the disturbance to natural environment and will adhere to the same setbacks as the existing neighbourhood. Infill development should be guided by an Infill Development Policy that outlines the specific requirements that the community expects from infill development to ensure that it meets the intent of this policy.
Consult the Zoning Bylaw for the most current information on infill zoning restrictions that pertain to permitted uses and minimum parcel size.