Official Community Plan
The Official Community Plan serves as the main tool that shapes the future development of municipalities in British Columbia. Authorized by the Provincial Government under the Local Government Act, municipalities adopt community plans to outline their development strategies.
An Official Community Plan (OCP) outlines the overall goals and policies of the local government. It takes into account the current and future land use characteristics, along with the necessary infrastructure needs within the designated area of the OCP. Once implemented, an Official Community Plan (OCP) becomes the basis for all land use and development policies, regulations, and decisions within a municipality.
The Planning Department is responsible for managing land use and the associated regulation that governs land use. The Department also considers long term policy issues that are shaped by land use and growth, such as affordable housing, preservation of green space and transportation. For municipal planning related questions please contact our Manager of Development Services, Chris Boit.
The Zoning Bylaw is the primary bylaw that regulates land use, it provides direction on what type of use can be done on a property, the density of development, and where and what size buildings can be built.
Anmore South Updates
Click here to view information about the Anmore South land and future development considerations.
Public Hearings
Click here for information about Public Hearings.
Municipal Maps
Click here to view our Village of Anmore municipal planning maps.