Building-Plumbing Permit Application

Village of Anmore / Building Department – 604-469-9877

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To get the most out of your form, we suggest that you sync this form with an email add-on. To learn more about your email add-on options, visit the following page ( Important: Delete this tip before you publish the form.
Please note that preferred applications are via digital form submissions. If you submit hard copies in-person at the office, please submit two copies of plans only.
Address of site:
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Check all that are applicable(Required)

Required Documents for Building Permit Application

Please review our Do I need a Building Permit Checklist to determine what other documents and steps you must follow in order to have your application accepted.
Upload files relevant to your application. If any files are missing, our team will reach out and request you send additional information. If your file is too big for the upload size, please Hi there {Name (First):1.3}, Thank you for getting in touch. We have received your inquiry and will get back to you once the application is reviewed. If you were not able to attach any necessary documents, please email to with the subject “Documents for Building Permit Application” and include the address the information pertains to in the body of the email.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Submit current title search, within 30 days of application. If ownership is not a person(s), then submission of corporation Notice of Articles showing all directors required. Submit all Notice of Charges on title (building schemes, covenants, right-of-way & easement, etc.) for Village review.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Submit a topographical survey completed by a BC Land Surveyor and dated within 6 months of building permit application. Information to include all buildings and structures, setbacks to all buildings and structures, parcel boundaries, road access, driveway crossings, covenant and rights of way information, improvements, contours and or spot elevations, and other topographical details including lawn catch basins, swales, ditches, creeks, and trees.
Max. file size: 512 MB.
Submit digital pdf drawings compliant to BC Building Code and BC Plumbing Code (BCBC)
Drop files here or
Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Truss, Beam & Floor Layouts: submit digital pdf drawings. Structural Drawings: submit digitally sealed drawings compliant to current BCBC. Structural Schedule B: submit digitally sealed Schedules. Structural POI (proof of insurance): submit digital copy of insurance.
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Required to verify ESC Plan and Tree Management Plan mitigation measures are in place and to verify no damage has occurred to Village property or infrastructure prior to building permit issuance.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB.
      Review the Building Permit Checklist to determine what else you may need to include. You can include your ESC Application (Schedule A, D, & DWG)
      Please input costs of estimated work
      Check off what has been included/sent:
      A staff member will verify all above documents have been submitted.

      Owner Information

      Owner Information(Required)

      Owner's Agent Information

      Please fill out if using an agent.

      Contractor Information

      Contractor Information(Required)

      Applicant Details

      Applicant Details(Required)
      Select Applicable(Required)
      MM slash DD slash YYYY
      Max. file size: 512 MB.
      A $500.00 application fee is required for building permits, and a $75.00 application fee is required for plumbing permits. The $500 application fee will include the $75.00 plumbing permit fee if applied together. Cash, debit and cheques are accepted. Please make cheques payable to the Village of Anmore at 2697 Sunnyside Road, Anmore, B.C. V3H 5G9. You may view payment options here.
      Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as amended. The information gathered will be used to deliver or evaluate the program or activity of the Village of Anmore that is associated with this form. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of this information should be directed to
      Please note, to have your building permit approved, you must also submit applications for the following:
      Please note, we must receive all steps from you to approve the building permit. Email us or call the Village Hall at 604-469-9877 for any questions. Contact Details: