Village of Anmore Municipal Maps
Click HERE to view our Zoning Bylaw and Civic Address Map
Click HERE to view our Legal Description Map
Use of the Village of Anmore maps is subject to the following:
The Village makes no representation or warranty, either expressed or implied, in fact or in law, with respect to the accuracy, completeness or appropriateness of the data, materials or documents contained or referenced herein or provided. In addition, the Village shall not be responsible for any action, cost, loss or liability whatsoever arising from the reliance on or use of this or any technical or historical data materials or documents provided by the Village. The client is responsible for obtaining their own independent financial, legal, engineering, technical and other advice with respect to any information included in this data, materials or documents provided or required by the Village. Legal plans are copies of original plans submitted to the Village; they are not true, authentic Land Title Office copies. These plans may not show all legal notations added by LTO and are provided as information only. As-Built plans are copies of plans submitted by the design Engineer and are not warranted as to their completeness or accuracy.