Adopt a Street Program

The Village of Anmore’s Adopt a Street program is a cooperative effort between community volunteers and the Village to help maintain litter-free public sidewalks and walkways. The Village welcomes residents and organizations such as schools, local non-profits and businesses to participate in the program.

A commitment to responsible participation is important to achieving our objective of clean, safe and attractive streets. This overview sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Village and of participants in Anmore’s Adopt a Street program. To apply for the program, please complete the Adopt A Street Registration Form.

The Village of Anmore’s

To support the Adopt a Street Program, the Village:

  • Provides participants with the supplies they will need (e.g., litter bags, gloves, safety vests and litter pickers)

  • Arranges for the removal and disposal of litter and related materials gathered by participants.

  • Prints and installs Adopt a Street signs at the beginning of the section of road that recognize either individual names or the name of the participating organization (participants may also choose to remain anonymous).

The Village reserves the right to reject any requested names on the signs that may cause concern for the public or may cause damage to Anmore’s image. No company logos are permitted on the signs.

Adopt a Street Participants

When you are accepted in the Adopt a Street program, you will have the following responsibilities:

  • Review the Safety Guide from our Adopt a Street program guide on page 3 and attend any orientation or training sessions arranged by the Village.

  • Remove litter from a designated section of a Village road at least once a month (more frequently clean-ups are encouraged) for at least one year, during daylight hours. Participants also provide the Village with either a written or electronic record reporting their efforts after each session.
  • Wear appropriate clothing and use equipment, tools and materials provided by the Village.
  • Take precautions to ensure the safety and health of participants. Any injuries or loss/damage to property must be promptly reported to the Village.
  • Avoid touching or direct contact with potentially hazardous items found during clean-up sessions, including syringes, condoms or animal parts. Participants should promptly report such items, along with other objects that appear hazardous or could present difficulties in removing due to size, weight or other conditions.
  • Notify the Village if you discontinue or withdraw from participating in the program and return non-disposable equipment, tools and materials to the Village.

  • Groups must designate a liaison to manage records, act as a contact between the Village and volunteers, orient and train new volunteers, and take steps to ensure all volunteers are familiar with the Adopt A Street Program Overview and Safety Guide. Liaisons must also notify the Village of any additional volunteers and provide completed Risk, Waiver and Indemnity Agreements for each participant.
  • The liaison distributes equipment, tools and materials provided by the Village to participants. The liaison is also responsible for supervising volunteers under 19, including ensuring these volunteers are wearing appropriate clothing and conducting themselves safely while participating in the Adopt a Street program.