Rezoning Application

Fees are not refundable except as outlined in the Fees and Charges Bylaw and do not guarantee approval of application in any way.

Applicant Information(Required)

Property Owners


Additional Property Owners

Please only fill out if additional property owners exist.

Property Description

Property Address
Are there any easements or restrictive covenants affecting the property?
If yes, please provide copies with the current title search for all properties.
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Max. file size: 512 MB.
    Describe the proposed subdivision (add description on supplemental sheets as necessary).
    You must upload two copies of your Letter of Intent and upload any additional supplemental sheets.
    Drop files here or
    Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 4.
      Proposed Lots (add supplemental sheets as necessary):
      The lot number should be used in identifying the lot on the preliminary plan.
      Lot Number(s)
      Proposed use(s) of lot
      Lot Area
      Other Applications being submitted concurrently
      Type (e.g. Dev. Permit, Dev. Variance Permit, OCP Amendment)
      Application Number (completed by staff)

      Applicant Acknowledgement

      By signing this application form, the applicant / owner attests that the information provided on this and supplemental application forms for land use permits from the Village of Anmore is true and correct to the best of their knowledge. Any material falsehood or any omission of a material fact made by the applicant / owner with respect to this application may result in an issued permit becoming null and void.

      I, the applicant / owner, certify that this application is being made with the full knowledge and consent of all owners of the property in question.

      Authorization of Applicant

      For owner to sign and fill out for authorization of applicant.
      I hereby designate the applicant listed above to act as my agent in matters related to this application
      Owner's name
      Note: A letter of applicant authorization with the signatures of all owners will also be accepted.
      If applicant is unable to fill out “authorization of applicant”, you can provide a letter of applicant authorization with the signatures of all owners.
      Max. file size: 512 MB.

      Application Fees

      Application Fee is required for approval. Please include the fee based on the current Fees and Charges Bylaw. To pay the application fee, please review our payment options.

      Required Documents

      Please note that it is mandatory you upload all required items in this application.

      It is the owner’s responsibility to ensure all items from this checklist are uploaded in the application and clearly named. If files cannot upload, you may email all required documents to the

      Prepared by a Professional Engineer illustrating a North Arrow, PID, legal description of every existing and proposed parcel, bearings and dimensions and setback of all existing buildings and structures to be retained on site, sources of domestic water on the site and all adjacent domestic water sources within 30m of the proposed site, sewerage systems with their offset distance from the lot lines, building envelopes indicating all Zoning Bylaw setbacks, the location and dimensions of all streets, property accesses, registered easements, covenants, encroachments and right-of-ways, existing and proposed street names, location of the natural boundary of any existing watercourse(s) including the elevation of the crest and toe if slope at regular intervals, approximate location of all existing and proposed utility services, approximate extent of area available for sewerage disposal surrounding the test holes, locations of any on site water sources to be developed, locations of sewage-disposal systems on adjacent properties within 30m of any external lot line of the proposed. (24 x 36 and 11 x 17).
      Max. file size: 512 MB.
      For each parcel affected in the application, including copies of any right-of-ways, restrictive covenants, easements, etc. that are registered on title. Title Search to be not older than 30 days from application date. You may upload up to 4 files.
      Max. file size: 512 MB.
      Conducted by a B.C.L.S. and identifies the overall health and quality of the trees (over 1.0m) on or adjacent to the subject site, all natural or man-made features such as ponds, bridges, traverse lines with hub numbers, etc. Also, identifies the site elevations including grades at each corner of the lot(s) and contours at one metre intervals. (24 x 36 and 11 x 17)
      Max. file size: 512 MB.
      A preliminary geotechnical report shall be submitted which confirms the suitability of the lands for the intended purposes. The report shall be sealed by a Professional Engineer licensed to practice in BC.
      Drop files here or
      Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 4.
        1. Survey showing that the parcel is between 3925 m2 and 8094 m2 in area 2. A survey verifying that the parcel has an average slope equal to or less than 20%, as determined by a registered surveyor 3. A survey identifying the proposed building sites and that these sites have a slope equal to or less than 20%, as determined by a registered surveyor. 4. A survey identifying that the parcel has 50 m frontage on a public highway and that each proposed new parcel has 25 m frontage on a public highway, as determined by a registered surveyor. 5. Provide documentation to show that that the parcel for which the rezoning is being sought has been in existence for 10 years
        Drop files here or
        Max. file size: 512 MB, Max. files: 5.
          Personal information requested on this form is collected under the authority of Section 26 of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, as amended. The information gathered will be used to deliver or evaluate the program or activity of the Village of Anmore that is associated with this form. Questions about the collection, use, and disclosure of this information should be directed to