Building Requirements
When building or renovating, there are several permits, forms and bylaws that outline requirements. If a Building Permit is needed, please use the Building Permit Checklist as a guide to complete all required tasks.
Please note that preferred applications are via digital form submissions.
As per Anmore’s Building Bylaw, an owner must obtain a building permit:
- Prior to conducting any alterations or new construction. Examples:
o Constructing a new dwelling, accessory building, or structure.
o Adding to an existing building or structure.
o Altering, renovating, or repairing existing buildings or structures.
o Repairing fire damaged buildings or structures.
o Completing an unfinished area in an existing building (i.e., basement, recreation room). - Prior to moving a building (Moving a building from one location to another).
- Prior to demolishing or relocating buildings on the same lot.
- Prior to installing or altering mechanical equipment (heating, ventilation, air conditioning).
- Prior to excavation and placement and/or removal of soil.
- Prior to construction or alteration of retaining structures where the vertical height is
greater than 1.22 m (4’0”), as measured from grade to top of the wall; or tiered retaining
structures spaced less than twice the vertical height of the immediate lower retaining
structure. - Prior to constructing or alterations of swimming pools.
- For an Occupancy Use Change.
An owner must obtain a trade permit:
- Prior to conducting plumbing work undertaken as regulated by the BC Plumbing Code
o including installation of cross-connection control devices.
o installation or alteration of fixtures and water piping.
o Installing or altering of sanitary sewer, storm sewer and drainage piping outside of the
building. - Prior to altering or installing fire sprinkler undertaken as regulated by the Building Code.
- Prior to installing a lawn irrigation system.
- Prior to altering or installing a wood-burning appliance.
A permit is not required for minor modifications and repairs. Examples:
- Interior or exterior painting
- Roofing repair or replacement
- Cabinet replacement or installation
- Landscaping and fencing construction
- Exterior building repairs or replacement e.g. siding, trim, stucco, etc. (Note: permits are required if structural modifications are made, such as moving or increasing window or door sizing.)
- Installation of patios or decks less than 600mm (2’0”) above grade supported on its own independent foundations (cannot be attached to an existing structure)
Note: Even if permit is not required, homeowners are responsible to ensure that all work conforms to the requirements of the current editions of the B.C. Building Code and all applicable Village of Anmore Bylaws; and that all proper forms and permits are submitted and on file with the Village of Anmore.
The Village of Anmore Building Department has created this detailed list to help the public prepare complete building permit applications packages. We also have compiled a Common Items Missing document to review.
- Business Licence: refer to Anmore Licensing and Regulating of Businesses Bylaw No. 263-1999.
- Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Permit (ESC) Permit: refer to Erosion and Sediment Control Bylaw No. 547-2016.
- Tree Management Permit: refer to Tree Management Bylaw No. 587-2018.
- Highway Use (HUP) Permit: refer to Highway Regulation Bylaw No. 586-2018 and the Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 633-2020 (applicable if you are altering an existing driveway or adding a new driveway access, but may be exempt if driveway access already installed).
Irrigation Permit: refer to Building Bylaw No. 583-2018 Building Bylaw Consolidated December 2019.
Pool Permit: refer to Building Bylaw No. 583-2018 Building Bylaw Consolidated December 2019.
Soil Deposit Permit: refer to Soil Deposit Bylaw No. 081-1992. If you require soil to be placed on your property, you will require a Soil Deposit Permit (available from Village Hall). The cost of the permit is $100 and permits are valid for 90 days. You will also be required to deposit a $5,000 bond with the Village in the form of either a letter of credit or cash. Your bond will be returned to you upon completion of the deposit of soil and a subsequent inspection by Village staff to determine that there has been no damage to municipal property. If you require a Soil Deposit Permit to place soil on your septic field, your permit fees may be waived, pending confirmation from the Fraser Public Health Unit that soil is required. You are still required to apply for this permit.
Fire Sprinkler Permit: refer to Building Bylaw No. 583-2018. Homeowner, Contractor or Engineering firm shall retain the services of recognized independent testing agency, MAS Services, to carry out flow verification testing for the installed fire suppression system at this property. Submit passed test results to the Village of Anmore Building Department prior to final inspection.
Quick Links
Preferred Applications submitted through our digital forms.
- Building-Plumbing Permit Application (including demolition & pool installation) *
- Business Licence Application
- Highway Use/Hydrant Use Permit Application
- Electrical Permit (contact Technical Safety BC – formerly BC Safety Authority)
- Gas Permit (contact Technical Safety BC – formerly BC Safety Authority)
- Owner Authorization Form (for any person acting on the owner’s behalf)
- Soil Deposit Permit (available from Village Hall
- Tree Removal Application
- Demolition Package: Information which includes the applications you must submit for the Pre-Contract Hazard Form and Contractor Compliance Form
- Water Main Meter Sizing Form
- Plumbing Certification Form
- Insulation Disclosure Form
Architectural Drawings (Building or Structure)
Whether you’re embarking on a new construction project or making modifications to an existing structure, one essential component you’ll need is detailed architectural drawings. These documents are crucial for ensuring that all planned works meet specific safety and zoning standards, and comply with local building codes. Below, we provide you with all the necessary information and step-by-step guidance to help you prepare and submit your architectural drawings successfully. We also recommend reviewing our Common Items Missing sheet to ensure all steps are met.
- Show Zoning Compliance Table/Notes
- Show topographical survey information to include all buildings and structures, parcel boundaries, road access, driveway crossings, covenant and rights of way information, improvements, contours, existing grades, proposed grades, and other topographical details including lawn catch basins, swales, ditches, creeks, and trees. Note: These finished grades shall be used when determining your proposed average finish grade needed to calculate your building heights and basement floor areas as per the Anmore Zoning Bylaw.
- Show min. tree coverage (drip line coverage) and area calculations (10%, 20%, 25% or 25% plus).
- Show Tree RPZ – root protection zone & fencing.
- Show setback notes and dimensions to all buildings: If stairs and/or balconies etc. encroach into the interior side yard setback, then a Development Variance Permit will be required or modify design to suit minimum setbacks… No guarantee for DVP setback approval.
- Ensure existing and proposed elevations at building corners align with the topography survey for exiting ground elevations. Review existing elevations and update building elevations accordingly, if required. Show existing and proposed elevations on drawings at all building corners and provide calculations to support final average finish grade elevation.
- Add drainage information to the site plan or separate site service plan. Show existing and proposed contour data, if available. Show top and bottom of all proposed cut/fill slopes that will change the existing site conditions / drainage paths. Show significant grade breaks and/or drainage swales exiting or proposed to redirect surface water and how they will collect or tie into existing storm infrastructure (ponds, lawn basins, open ditches, etc.) Label all grade/slope %. Show rock pit location for seasonal pool drainage, if applicable.
- If not connecting to an existing piped storm sewer, then also show the required rock pit location for the foundation drain tile and roof leader systems needed for onsite water management and prior to terminating to an open ditch (code requirement). Alternatively, you can provide a geotechnical comfort letter confirming running open piped drainage from the building drainage systems to an open ditch is acceptable and that doing so will not affect any private or public properties or infrastructure (i.e., ditches, roadways, general erosion, etc.)
Additional Notes:
- Spiral Stairs are not permitted in BCBC and will not be permitted for construction.
- Building stairs and balconies may encroach up to a maximum 1.22m into permitted setback. Adjust any stairs and/or balconies to fit within this setback exception if outside the permitted setbacks.
- Refer to Zoning Regulation Bylaw Definitions and Section 5.8 for exceptions.
- Adherence to covenants, easements and right-of-ways required. (Example: no build areas, retaining walls, structures, etc. cannot be constructed in right-of-ways that do not permit construction within.
Show shaded areas with areas noted for all conditioned and unconditioned spaces as well as for overall building floor area as defined in the Zoning Regulations Bylaw.
- Show shaded areas with areas noted for this space.
- Provide calculations.
- Refer to Zoning Regulations Bylaw Definitions calculation formula.
Average Existing or Average Finished Grade:
- Show existing and proposed elevations on drawings at all building corners.
- Show existing and finished grade lines across the building face.
- Note Average Finished Grade used in calculating building height.
- Refer to Zoning Regulations Bylaw Definitions and Section 5.5 for calculation formula.
Building Height Calculations:
- Show Average Existing or Average Finished Grade elevation as calculated.
- Adjust average finished grade so max height is not exceeded.
- Refer to Zoning Regulations Bylaw Definitions and Section 5.6 for calculation formula.
FDWR Ratio (Fenestration, Door to Wall Ratio):
- Show hatched wall and window & door areas and label areas for each component (m2) for all building faces.
- Show and provide FDWR % calculations on plan for all building faces.
- May be incorporated with spatial separation elevation views.
Spatial Separation Calculations:
- Show hatched wall and window & door areas and label areas for each component (m2) for all building faces.
- Provide calculations on all elevation drawings to show: LD (m2) UPO Permitted (m2), EBA (m2) Proposed UPO (%) and UPO Permitted (%) Proposed UPO (m2).
BC Step Code Compliance Checklist – Performance Paths For Part 9 Buildings
- Show pre-construction report on plans.
- Note minimum vented roof area (1/150 or 1/300) and minimum 2.5” separation between top of insulation and underside of roof sheathing on the drawings.
- Include all Construction Assembly details/types in the drawings. (i.e., Below grade wall, above grade walls, roof, floors over heated and unheated spaces, etc.).
- Note minimum 18” Anmore frost protection for all footings. Minimum 48” if footings on unknown soils or clay.
- Show minimum BCBC 9.36 prescriptive values for a reference house in addition to step 3 energy compliance.
- BCBCB Table – min. 0.55 RSI (U Value 1.8) Win/Door & min. 0.37 RSI (U Value 2.7) Skylights
– Unprotected openings are not permitted depending on their locations (proximity to exit paths – doors/stairs, etc.) and sill heights and fall distances to ground. Refer to BCBC Sections for requirements:
- Required Guards for openings.
- Openings Near Unenclosed Exterior Exit Stairs and Ramps.
- Openings in Exterior Walls of Exit.
- Openings Near Exit Doors.
– Adjust and update drawings accordingly.
Topless glass guards are not permitted without engineered sealed drawings and Letters of Assurance for both the design and field reviews (Schedule B & C-B).
Engineered Drawings
- Include minimum BCBC 2024 provisions on drawing set.
- Shall include P.Eng Wet Seal (Stamp) and Permit to Practice Number on them.
- Submit Schedule B with wet sealed (stamped) and permit to practice number.
- Submit POI – Proof of Insurance.
- Shall include a minimum of 2.2, 2.3 & 2.2 when applicable.
- Shall include minimum 4.1, 4.2, 7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 8.1, 8.3 & 8.5.
- Submit excavation/shoring plans for excavation depths exceeding 1.2m and where excavations exist on properties with slopes exceeding 20%. Adherence to WorkSafeBC regulations for open trench excavation with sloped sides.
- Include minimum BCBC 2024 provisions on drawing set.
- Shall include P.Eng Wet Seal (Stamp) and Permit to Practice Number on them.
- Submit Schedule B with wet sealed (stamped) and permit to practice number.
- Submit POI – Proof of Insurance.
- Shall include minimum 7.1, 7.2, 7.4 & 8.4 & 7.3 when applicable.
- Required when retaining walls are greater than 1.2m in height, laterally unsupported and/or support building or structure foundations. Also refer to Section 5.12 in the Zoning Regulations Bylaw for more details.
- Include minimum BCBC 2024 provisions on drawing set.
- Shall include P.Eng Wet Seal (Stamp) and Permit to Practice Number on them.
- Submit Schedule B with wet sealed (stamped) and permit to practice number.
- Submit POI – Proof of Insurance.
- Shall include a minimum of 2.2, 2.3 & 2.2 when applicable.
- Shall include minimum 7.1, 7.4, 8.1, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5 & 8.6.
Note: Drawings may overlap with HUP Driveway Permit drawings.
- Include minimum BCBC 2024 provisions on drawing set.
- Shall include P.Eng Wet Seal (Stamp) and Permit to Practice Number on them.
- Shall include P.Eng to confirm soil bearing capacities of all structural fill placed. Excavations must not interfere structurally or undermine nearby buildings or structures without P.Eng design, review, and approvals.
- P.Eng to confirm subsurface and surface drainage control measures are in place between the pool and any nearby buildings and structures.
- P.Eng to confirm drainage control measures to ensure no lands or drainage infrastructure are affected by the drainage of pool water seasonally.
- Submit Schedule B with wet sealed (stamped) and permit to practice number.
- Submit POI – Proof of Insurance.
- Shall include a minimum of 2.2, 2.3 & 2.2 when applicable.
- Shall include minimum 4.1, 4.2,7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 8.1, 8.3 & 8.5.
- Include minimum BCBC 2024 provisions on drawing set.
- Shall include P.Eng Wet Seal (Stamp) and Permit to Practice Number on them.
- Submit Schedule B with wet sealed (stamped) and permit to practice number.
- Submit POI – Proof of Insurance.
Other Permit Drawings
Refer to Tree Management Bylaw 587-2018.
- Arborist Report and/or Drawings shall include.
- Proposed dates & hours for on-site works and tree removal, and anticipated completion dates for replanting.
- Legal boundary, names of abutting roads & lanes, easements, ROW’s, locations of above & below ground services, and existing and proposed buildings & structures.
- Description of predominant species, approximate age, size, condition, location, and number of trees within the subject land.
- Tree retention plan, complete with map identifying locations, species, % of coverage and diameter of proposed trees and vegetation to be retained.
- Tree removal plan, complete with map identifying locations, species, % of coverage and diameter of proposed trees and vegetation to be removed.
- Tree replanting plan, complete with map identifying locations, species, % of coverage and diameter of proposed trees and vegetation to be replanted. Shall show the replanting of 2 trees or more replacement trees for each tree removed… refer to Section 13 in bylaw.
- Tree plan to show Root Protection Zone (RPZ) and a Protection fencing.
- Tree plan to show contour data and site slopes.
- Watercourses with minimum Riparian 30m setback shown when known watercourses are identified on the property.
- Policy E-9 requires one to provide QEP RAR report for lands identified in a Watercourse Protection Development Permit Area. Refer to Bylaw No. 532-2014 OCP Full Consolidated April-2019 for policy information and watercourse mapping.
Note: Bird Nesting in the Village of Anmore has been designated March 15 – August 31 seasonally.
Note: An arborist report may not be required if outside of bird nesting season and will be determined on a site- specific basis as per the tree removal application.
Steep Slopes: refer to Section 11 of Tree Management Bylaw No. 587-2018 and provide a steep slopes memo and/or amend any steep slopes report confirming the proposed tree removal will not increase or create additional erosion, flooding, or landslip to the property. The memo and/or report shall say “the land may be used safely for the use intended.”
Note: The tree management report and plans must demonstrate compliance with the Anmore Tree Management Bylaw 587-2018. Not limited to, please refer to Sections 4, 6, 10, 11, 13 & 14 and shall not include trees or vegetation from neighboring properties.
Refer to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures Bylaw No. 547- 2016.
- Show best management practices as noted in Schedule B of the ESC Bylaw will be achieved.
- Provide/show details on how Construction Activity will be implemented. For example, note locations of silt fencing, sediment settling facilities/ponds, catch basins, lawn basins, exposed manholes, storm sewer catchments, etc. and indicate how you will filter and control run-off on and within the site to prevent contamination to existing storm systems/ditches and roadways).
- Submit Schedule D Letter of Assurance.
- Submit POI – Proof of Insurance.
- Refer to Highway Regulation Bylaw No. 586-2018 and Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 633-2020 for driveway permit requirements.
- Refer to Subdivision and Development Control Bylaw No. 633-2020 for details to be shown in your drawings, specifically related to Section 5.14 – Driveways, 5.17 Pavement Structures and 5.24 Curbs. Not limited to; the plans show culvert location & design, curb design & details, apron design, driveway grades, widths, dimensioned distance from lot corner, site lines, profiles views, etc.
- Submit driveway drawings / Resubmit new driveway drawings to include the additional information required which requires the following: a.) Label driveway Apron Width: minimum 4.0m & maximum 6.0m widths from road to Property Line. b.) Label Driveway setback to corner: minimum 5.0 m setback from lot corner required. c.) Label Grades: Max grade permitted is 15% unless heated with max grade equal to or less than 20%. Grades over 20% will require a steep slopes report from a registered professional.
- Provide Driveway Profiles & Stationing for grades greater than 8%.
- Provide Driveway Structure Cross Section: 50mm asphaltic concrete, 150mm base course, and 150mm subbase required; or 100mm P.C. concrete, 100mm base course, and 150mm subbase required.
- Provide/Show Culvert Design Details: type, radii, corner cut. Ensure to show location on plans and provide cross section view confirming cover.
- Provide Curb design, location, and details, as per MMCD. Only applicable if not a curb has been installed or one wishes to relocate or add additional driveway access.
- Driveway Retaining Walls exceeding 1.2m in Height and supporting the driveway shall require P.Eng Drawings and Schedule B for all retaining wall construction (i.e., concrete, or stacked walls).
Note: This plan can be a separate plan or can be incorporated with your ESC, Tree, or Architectural Site drawing set.
This information has been prepared for convenience only and is not a bylaw or legal document. If there are any discrepancies between this guide and the Village of Anmore bylaws, the bylaws shall be the legal authority.
Homeowners are responsible to ensure compliance to Village of Anmore Building Bylaw No. 583- 2018, current BC Building Code and BC Plumbing Code, and all other applicable Village of Anmore Bylaws and Statutory requirements and understand it is the responsibility of the owner to make enquiries as to such matters before commencing work.